The Board and management have established a range of policies and practices that reflect the recommendations of the ASX’s Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations. Those policies, practices and arrangements are reviewed regularly.
Corporate Governance Statement
Mr Craig Munro
Mr Hamish Bohannan
Mr Tan Hwa Poh
Registered Office
T4 / 152 Great Eastern Highway,
Ascot, WA 6104
Ph: +61 8 9367 9228
Fx: +61 8 9367 9229
Australian Stock Exchange
20 Bridge Street,
Sydney, NSW 2000
PT Gulf Mangan Grup
Graha Pena Building, 5th Floor
Jl. Piet A Tallo No. 1
Kel. Liliba, Kec. Oebobo
Kupang 85111
East Nusa Tenggara
Ph: +62 380 8439181
Fx: +62 380 8439182